Amber Glass Open Cork Bottles, Amber Glass bulk pricing for quantity cork bottles.
ONLY $500-$850 FOR BULK SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS. ships from USA, Bali, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, Japan.
Her Day - All Day,
Now your customers can enjoy the ease of cork in cork out.
Great for being sold as empties. Many buyers have pre-existing products they transfer into bottles.
This is a hot item that delivers just that.
Bath Salts, Soap powder, Bubble-Bath, Herbs,
Shipping Glass
AllResults.com a little nicer when it comes to handling your good's? ....We have experienced several manufacturers jumping on board and leading the way with what is becoming popular in countries where safe-shipping positions seemed to be ignored.
Being proactive when packing glass goods is gaining the "Cool Maker" status. This status isn't handed out, it's earned.
AllResults.com relentlessly seeks to encourage their partners to employ this practice 100% of the time.
Lead time glass production is 15 days.
All orders are door to door.