Makeup Masks Spatula's, jade mini-mask spatulas Tin, Plastic, wooden,
Makeup Masks Spatula's,
WOW!! You've finished formulating your Eco-friendly face-masks, you harvested your cleanest ingredients for your customers, now be sure to check out AllResults glass jars and don't forget the mini-mask spatula WITH YOUR COMPANY LOGO to spread your masterpiece.
Why choose 100%plastic when you have a more sustainable choice?
Now choose a 40% sustainable silicon/plastic mini-mask spatulas.
Lead time production for Spatulas is 15 days. Makeup Mini Plastic masks Spatulas Review here
Ships from USA, Bali, Cambodia, China, Vietnam. This charge will be added as a total shipping fee at check out.
Production lead: production lead time for your spatulas is 10 days,
Select your spatula, any size and fill capacity, full range of printing.
Our silicon-plastics are 40% food grade material FDA and EU approved.
See sustainable certification here.